Optimize Your Metrology
Operations With MOX

Transform metrology processes into a quality control tool that will greatly enhance productivity and your bottom line.

MOX modules integrate seamlessly to provide a single solution for managing your metrology operations.

Laboratory Management

Laboratory Workflow & Asset Management

The MOX CMS laboratory information management system functions as a hub that connects the MOX MPS, MOX2G0 and the MOX Portal to provide a single solution for your calibration requirements.

Automation of Calibration

Automation of Calibration

Automate Calibrations with intuitive and easy to use scripting tools.

Easily design procedures with reusable script units.

Communicate with M&TE via GPIB, RS 232 and ethernet.

Technical Documents

Cutting-Edge Metrology Engineering Tools

Automatically calculate uncertainty (EMU), test ratios (TAR/TUR) and risk (PFA and PFR).

Interval/reliability analysis using actual measurement history.

Automatic guard banding.

Reverse traceability to specific test point.

Mobile Solutions

Mobile Solutions

Access real-time, critical calibration data on your iOS device; perform M&TE field maintenance and tests using your iOS device.

Customer Portal@3x

Customer Portal

Web based customer portal allows laboratory customers to view and manage their measurement and test equipment; manage calibration records and track the status of their assets, when out for calibration.

Automatic Support for Sampling and Processing of Measured Values

Remote Calibrations

No internet? No problem! The MOX remote functionality simplifies customer site calibrations. Calibrate assets anywhere without an internet connection. Autosync with the main database once you’re back at the lab.

See MOX in Action

Schedule a demo to see why MOX is trusted when quality and accuracy are mission critical.